Guys - RepRap Warehouse - is the company that my son (14) and I just started to help Westerners out...
RepRap Warehouse
It's not published yet but we are the the first truly western company approved as MakerBot resellers. We can price the units very competitively and we promise to give you an extraordinary customer service and tech support experience.
The other thing that you will find is that we can save you money on shipping and import issues.
I can give you names of customers that already would tell you about our service.
RepRap Warehouse
It's not published yet but we are the the first truly western company approved as MakerBot resellers. We can price the units very competitively and we promise to give you an extraordinary customer service and tech support experience.
The other thing that you will find is that we can save you money on shipping and import issues.
I can give you names of customers that already would tell you about our service.